Friday 23 September 2011

medusa chandelier

During my induction for my University course my class was dropped a hint as to what our self directed project may be.  One word - umbrella.  Itching to get back into the course I decided to start doing a little research.  I'm well aware I may be risking going off topic seeing as I don't actually have any other information on the brief but it is my belief that you can always learn something new and discover something that one day may be of use.

I carried out general research into the word 'umbrella' and found a couple of key words that I chose to investigate further.  The words 'jellyfish' and 'medusa' were two things I never thought of when thinking about the word umbrella.  Whilst investigating these words further I cam across the sculptor Timothy Horn and his Medusa Chandelier.  


There are so many aspects of this design that I find interesting one glance at it is just not enough.

A link to Timothy Horn's website